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Advanced Reporting in ServiceNow

2023-01-06 19:19| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Drilldowns and Datasets:

Drilldown adds value to reports, providing additional visualization to divide the data into subgroup while dataset can be used to view multiple tables and the same visualization.  One can create a drilldown mostly on existing reports that they have permissions to add. Drilldowns: For this walk through, let’s use the incident priority report.Go to the Report Application->view/run->search-> incident priority and locate it. Note: Simple report is already created with priority of incident.

Let’s analyze the report structure. Report is represented here as a structure and there is an option to add a drilldown. The form looks very similar to the report creation form and the steps to follow are also similar.Advanced Reporting in ServiceNow So let’s get visualization on priorities incident within a different Assignment group.Note: Give Drilldown name as Assignment group. The ‘Source Type’ and ‘Data Source’ filled values get added by default to the corresponding values and the reports that one is adding a drilldown to. These can’t be changed when adding a drill down. The report visualization in the drilldown can be different than that of the top level report. The choice of the report should reflect the information shared. So here, if one select a horizontal bar and group a report, then it aggregates the records to provide a high level summary of data. In this case, by assignment group, one can achieve it. This can’t be shared until saved. At the top level view of the report, one will see the report structure icon indicating that the report has a viewable drill down. Clicking it expands the report structure where one can find the drill down.Advanced Reporting in ServiceNow Further, the bar chart segment displays the summary of the underlying data and clicking any bar displays the drill down data. If one wants to add a Dataset to the report, they can open the report structure and click on the ‘add Dataset’ option. This will bring back the user to the guided workflow where user can name the Dataset.






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